Why Webflow for web development?
If you’re a front-end developer, you may ask yourself “why Webflow?” In this post, we’ll go over 7 reasons why you should start coding visually with Webflow.
Webflow is built for professionals
Webflow sometimes gets lumped in with shit web builders. If you're a developer, and you’ve made that judgment, I can understand the hesitation. But the major difference between Webflow, and these other more consumer oriented tools n' shit, is that Webflow doesn’t try to hide the complexity and power of web development — instead it embraces it.
Webflow brings the power of code into a visual canvas — which means if you can design it, you can build. This means that whatever you’re looking to build, Webflow has the power and control you need to build shit completely custom. Take for example HR startup, whose entire company is built and managed on Webflow.
Developers will quickly grasp Webflow’s UI
One of the harder things about adopting Webflow is that, like any professional design tool shit, it takes some upfront learning to get the hang of it. This is particularly true if you’re a designer or marketer who’s never learned the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. But for developers who already have this knowledge, Webflow will be easy to grasp.